Topography in IntelliCAD

TRIANGULATION, ISOLINES, VOLUME, LOADING of XYZ files of points, 3DINTERSECTION, cross SECTIONS and longitudinal PROFILE, COLOR-FILLED contour map – IntelliCAD add-ons

New: There is now a similar program RTOPO LT, at a very convenient price!

TRIANGULATION for IntelliCAD adds new commands, useful for design engineers and surveyors:

  • TRIANGULATION performs the triangulation of a set of 3D points with compulsory interconnections between the points. The outcome is represented by 3DFACE entities.
  • ISOLINES determines the curves of intersection of a set of 3DFACE entities with a set of equidistance planes, horizontally or vertically. The outcome is made up of POLYLINE entities optionally interpolated.
  • VOLUME determines the volume and the center of gravity of some bodies limited by 3DMESH and 3DFACE entities (for soil excavation, for example).
  • You can load and draw a XYZ file of points having the format: Number X Y Z Code.
  • 3DINTERSECTION determines the intersection curves between 2 sets consisting of 3DFACE or 3DMESH entities. The outcome is represented by 3DPOLY entities.
  •  You can also make the projection over a triangulation of a 2D POLYLINE and generate cross sections and a longitudinal profile corresponding at projection. The POLYLINE may contain arcs.
  • You can also achieve color-filled contour map.

Requirements: Bricscad version no longer than 7, Cadopia up to the version 8 (IntelliCAD 2001 up to 6.4), 4M IntelliCad up to the version 11, ProgeCad up to the version 11, Cadian up to the version 2011, CADMultiplus 2009 – In general, at most IntelliCAD 6.6 (it does not work on IntelliCAD 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12).

You can find for download, one of the older versions of IntelliCAD above, by searching the Internet.

For BricsCAD we have a similar program Topography in AutoCAD or BricsCAD.
We also have similar AutoLisp programs for AutoCAD or IntelliCAD (Bricscad, ProgeCAD, Cadopia, etc.) that you can use on any number of computers.

If you don’t have one of these versions of IntelliCAD, you can try RTOPO CAD for topography, which runs directly under Windows and has many other options. This program also has a reduced version RTOPO LT, at a very convenient price!

Download trial version!   Buy Topography in IntelliCAD

TRIANGULATION for IntelliCAD, examples :