AutoLisp source code

We sell AutoLISP source code.

AutoLISP source code can be run on AutoCAD or IntelliCAD (Bricscad, ProgeCAD, Cadopia, etc.) on any number of computers, without any restrictions. These programs are useful for surveyors and design engineers.

You have the right to run the source code or modify and include it in your programs that you sell. They can also be a source of inspiration for other programs you want to create.
You do not have the right to publish or resell the source code.
You can download user documentation here!
You can test these programs in their executable shareware versions, from the programs in which they were implemented. These test programs are indicated below.

DWG to XYZ AutoLISP SourceDWG to XYZ AutoLisp source converts a DWG file to an XYZ file of points. The program is useful for surveyors to recover survey points from DWG files. LINE, POLYLINE, POINT and BLOCK entities will be converted into points with articles of the format “no. x y z code”. POLYLINE will be automatically exploded into LINEs, and LINES will be joined according to their layer which becomes the points code. POINT entities will be converted to points with the “L” code. The program removes identical points. BLOCKS will be converted into points with the name of the BLOCK as code. See video! There is also an executable version, with a 3-month subscription, at a lower price. Test a shareware in RTOPO Hydrology CAD for topography.

Triangulation autolisp sourceTriangulation AutoLisp source will generate triangular 3DFACE entities, on the convex hull of the set of points. There is no point limit, and the triangulation time depends on the power of the computer. You also have a VLX executable that you can load as well. You can also generate VLX in AutoCAD. It works faster than if you upload the LSP file. For BricsCAD you have the equivalent DES executable. Test a shareware in RTOPO Hydrology CAD for topography, which runs faster, being written in the C language. See a demo video here!

Load 4D points AutoLisp sourceLoad XYZ and 4D files AutoLisp source can load and draw XYZ and 4D point files. File types: x y z color, x y z scalar (the points will be drawn according to a legend of 20 colors), x y z r g b, no. x y z code (you can opt for drawing an axis grid, the point number, the code and the Z elevation). You can also use a command which will export from the current DWG, a point file of the form “x y z color”. There is also an executable version, with a 3-month subscription, at a lower price. See a demo video here! Test a shareware in RTOPO LT!

Bspline AutoLisp source
B-spline control polygon and interpolated contour lines AutoLisp source creates the control polygon and interpolates a POLYLINE with cubic B-Spline. The interpolated curve passes through the initial points and you can control its curvature. You can also generate interpolated contour lines, if you also bought “Intersect 2 3DFACE and contour lines AutoLisp source”.
See a demo video here! Test a shareware in Topography in AutoCAD!

Intersect 2 3DFACE AutoLisp source
Intersect 2 3DFACE and contour lines AutoLisp source intersects 2 triangular 3DFACE entities and generatea the contour lines with a constant step, on the 3DFACE entities in the current DWG.
See a demo video here! Test a shareware in 3DINTERSECTION for AutoCAD!

Modify longitudinal profile AutoLisp sourceModify longitudinal profile AutoLisp source 3 new commands are introduced, useful for designers:
-YTE changes the Y texts of some points, relative to an origin point,
-XTE changes the X text of some points, relative to X=0 of the current UCS,
-PTE inserts elevation and slope with triangle on a POLYLINE.
The commands increase productivity in the modification of longitudinal or transversal profiles from the design of roads and civil constructions.
See a demo video here! Test a shareware in Cut and fill volume in AutoCAD!